Print Stitch Patches Heat Applied - Montessory Kids Universe

Regular price $11.35

Art Details

Artwork Name: Montessory Kids Universe
Design: 1657234
Aspect Ratio: 1.15
Art Width: 2.8" / Height: 2.43"

 Material/Fabric Compatibility

Heat Applied: Cotton, Polyester, Cotton/Poly Blends
Pressure Sensitive: Smooth surfaces on hard goods

Pressing instruction

Time: 20-30 seconds
Temperature: 360°F
Pressure: Medium
You will be asked for a shipping address on checkout, but the patches will be ready for pick-up at our physical shop:
10960 E Crystal Falls Pkwy
Building 2, Ste 100
Leander TX 78641
Have any questions? Send us an email and we'll get back to you ASAP